Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Man Bitten After Putting Rattle Snake in His Mouth

I know, this blog is about corn snakes and you're wondering why I have information about rattle snakes as my first post. It's actually to make several points and since I found this, I just could help but to use it as a lead in for your health when dealing with corn snakes and other snakes in general.

The first point is that putting a snake in your mouth is a sign of aggression and there's a good chance that you are going to get bit. It doesn't matter if it's a corn snake or a rattle snake. Most any snake is going to be fearful and will try to protect itself.

The second point that I would like to make is probably more important, and snakes in the mouth is what made me think of it. Your corn snake can make you quite sick, even though it is not poisonous. This can happen even quicker by putting it in your mouth.

You see, corn snakes and other reptiles carry the salmonella bacteria. I'm sure that you've probably heard of stories where spinach, or some other food has been recalled because of salmonella poisoning. It can be deadly, especially for children and the elderly.

Salmonella can only be received directly through ingestion. So by eating, putting anything in your mouth, or touching something that carries salmonella and then putting your hand in your mouth, you can get sick, maybe even die.

Your corn snake will be a great pet for many years. Just remember that it is very important to wash your hands after handling your snake or any reptile.

It's also important to keep young children away from touching the snake, as they are very prone to putting their hands in their mouth all the time. If you do let children handle your corn snake, make sure that they do get their hands washed immediately afterwards.

Doing this will ensure that you and your corn snake live a long healthy life together.

Check out the story by selecting read more below and if you like it, you can digg the story with the digg link below.

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Welcome Corn Snake Fans

I'm glad that you have found the place for plenty of info on corn snakes. I think that snakes make great pets and I hope that you think so as well. I will update the blog regularly, though please remember, I do have a job and a family and sometimes the job calls for long hours and the posts may be further between. But at other times they may not be.

In the meantime, check out the blog roll on the right for links to other pages I've put up on other places to get you going. Please feel free to share your love of corn snakes in the comments below.